Tuesday, April 24, 2012

CTA at night

Hi -

I am taking my 3 kids to Blue Man Group. We wanted to take the L from our River North Hotel but I am concerned about safety that late at night. I wil lbe the only adult.

Plus the L is now $2.25 one way and parking for Blue Man is $12. It would cost me more to take the L!




CTA at night

You%26#39;ll be fine on the CTA at night. For added security, ride in the front car with the train operator.

You might want to consider a CTA visitor pass. www.transitchicago.com for details.

CTA at night

The CTA is safe enough...but if you are at a River North Hotel...then a cab will be about 5 bucks more each way than the train. For piece of mind...take a cab and you%26#39;ll save about 20 minutes in travel time each way too.

Enjoy the show...it%26#39;s a blast!

The busses and El are crowded until the wee hours of the a.m. and for the trip you%26#39;d be making and from that location - I don%26#39;t think you need worry about safety. The bus might be the better mode of transport, though - but I don%26#39;t know where you%26#39;re staying.

You can the #22 Clark bus to just about the front door of Blueman if you are leaving from a River North hotel.

The Brown Line at the Merchandise Mart will take you to Belmont, then a short walk to Blueman.

The Red Line at Grand and State will take you to Belmont as well

It%26#39;s an easy drive, and the lot is right next door. It does look slow to get in and, especially, out of after the show. You would probably be most comfortable this way.

Definitley take a cab. The el drops you rather far from Blue Man Group. The bus is better but you have to know your stop and keep track of it. The problem with the driving and parking: the parking lot is small so all cars are bumper to bumper so the first cars in are the last cars out. No way around that. Also, the show is cool, but if you sit in front, the Blue Men throw things at you so I wouldn%26#39;t sit in front personally. Maybe your kids would enjoy getting pelted with eggs and getting water thrown at them. There is a reason for the poncho%26#39;s handed out.

The parking lot is not big enough for all the cars arriving for the show. Defionitely take the #22 bus and get off at the Barry or Belmont stop. If you tell the driver where you want to go he or she will watch out for you, and let you know when to get off. Must disagree with Happy, the Red line is not far from the theater, unless he thinks 3 blocks is far.


The Red line/Belmont stop is a longer walk than 3 blocks. I would say 5 as you can%26#39;t count the stop to Clark as one block because it%26#39;s really a longer stretch. But anyway, if it%26#39;s cold, and with three kids, and returning after the show, I stand behind my advice that a cab is the best option for this poster.

I think that it really depends upon your children. If they are very young, then I would suggest taking a taxi. If they are older, then taking them on the L and walking shouldn%26#39;t be a problem. It isn%26#39;t a far walk from the Belmont station at all. As for safety, there will probably be other people exiting the show and taking the train at the same time.

I wouldn%26#39;t drive there unless there was no other choice because of the parking situation. If you are staying for multiple days, you might want to look into a CTA visitor pass.

It鈥檚 a bit of a walk, but not too bad. It鈥檚 also an interesting walk as that section of Belmont is pretty quirky and lively. What I find though is people who aren鈥檛 used to city living find these walks to be much longer than I do. For me, walking a mile to store or restaurant is no big deal, I do it everyday. But when I have guests in that are used to driving everywhere, they think that a couple of blocks is really far. So, use your best judgment.

The Red Line has a little more of an ';interesting'; clientele than the Brown Line does, but it will be busy and safe at that time of night.

I would not drive there.

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