Friday, April 13, 2012

Midway to river north area... Help!

Hello-- I will be coming into town tomorrow, and need to know which train (I%26#39;m assuming Red line) to take and which stop I want in order to get to the Hotel Felix (111 W. Huron).. also, when I do get off, does anyone know how much of a walk and which way to go to get to the hotel??? Thanks so much!

Midway to river north area... Help!

At Midway, you%26#39;ll catch the Orange Line to The Loop. Transfer at Roosevelt to a Howard-bound Red Line train.

Take the Red Line to Chicago Avenue. The station has elevators %26amp; escalators. From Chicago Ave and State St, the Felix is 2 blocks south and 2 blocks west. Walk south on State past the Cathedral to Huron and turn right. Then, 2 more blocks to Clark and the hotel will be on your left.

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